Special educational needs

We have high aspirations for all our learners, and are particularly committed to supporting our SEND learners to reach their full potential.

Planning for Post-16

All pupils in Year 9 will have a one-to-one careers information & guidance (CIAG) discission with the academy’s careers leader ahead of of discussions around selecting GCSE subjects. These discussions will be shared with the academy SENDCO and parents ahead of the annual review meeting in order to inform any required changes to provision.

Throughout Year 10 and Year 11, all pupils with an EHC plan will have at least three one-to-one careers information & guidance discussion with the academy’s careers leader (Y10 Sum2, Y11 Aut2 and Y11 Spr1). These discussions are intended to make sure the pupil understands the post-16 landscape (Y10 Sum2), has ambitious and appropriate preferred destinations (Y11 Aut2) and is therefore able to name appropriate preferred destinations in their Y11 annual review meeting (Y11 Spr1).

On GCSE results day (and on A-Level results day), the academy will designate a leader with the specific responsibility for making sure pupils with SEND (and their parents) receive and understand appropriate information and guidance around immediate next steps.

Planning for Post-18

Similar CIAG provision will also be available for all pupils in the sixth form who are on the SEN register. One-to-one discussions in Y12 Sum2, Y13 Aut2 and Y13 Spr1 will be held to make sure ambitious and appropriate plans for higher